Celotex CW4050 Cavity Wall Slab 50mm - Planet Insulation

U-value Calculator for Insulation Specification - Celotex The professional Celotex U-value Calculator is one of the most comprehensive online calculation services in the industry, with a variety of different insulation applications covered.. Specify your desired U-value before immediately calculating the required insulation thickness and project. "I use the Members Area of the Celotex website on a daily basis. Celotex CW4050 Cavity Wall Slab 50mm - Planet Insulation Celotex CW4000, being a non-melting thermoset material, may pass through cavity barriers so that a thermal bridge is avoided. Cavity obstructions Unavoidable projections into the cavity, such as floor edge beams and steel columns, need careful detailing and may require a horizontal cavity tray. 50mm Celotex GA4000 PIR Insulation Board | Multi Purpose

Apply­ing 50mm of exter­nal solid wall insu­la­tion helps reduce the like­li­hood of these hot and cold spots. How­ever, due to the thick­ness only being 50mm there is still a chance of cold bridg­ing, which is the main cause of cold spots within the home. Cold bridg­ing is caused by areas of a higher U-Value.

We provide U-value calculations to show compliance with current Building Regulations / Standards and best practice. These can be supported with a detailed report. The easiest way of getting a U-value calculation is by using our free online U-value Calculator. For more information, see our articles and how to videos below.

You can use two sheets of 50mm but it is not enough to comply with current regulations. You will not achieve the correct "U Value" which is the thermal resistance. In a nutshell your roof could end up with condensation (interstitial). Ideally if using Celotex you need a minimum of 120mm.

Celotex FR4000 is covered by BBA Agreement Certi)cate No 95/3197.To download a copy of this certi)cate, visit the‘literature’ pages of the website at celotex.co.uk Further Information If you wish to contact Celotex, please visit celotex.co.uk and click on the‘contact us’ … kingspan or celotex - Page 4 — MoneySavingExpert Forum Jul 22, 2010 Celotex CW4000 - Adobe Celotex Limited Lady Lane Industrial Estate, Hadleigh, Ipswich Suffolk IP7 6BA T: 01473 820850 W: celotex.co.uk Celotex Technical Centre: 01473 820850 celotex.co.uk Physical Properties Method CW4000 Compressive strength BS EN 826 ≥120kPa Dimensional stability BS EN 1604 DS(TH)8 Water vapour resistance BS EN 12086: Method B >150 MNs/g ‘U’ value - thermal performance