Mar 14, 2019

Sep 18, 2013 DOTA 2 LAG and High Ping Fix | Chaos Hour DOTA 2 relies on having an incredibly fast connection to ensure that you outplay your opponent. If you’re struggling with high ping and lag spikes then you will ultimately be losing more games than you win. Ensure you follow the steps below to fix the issue. DOTA 2 Lagging and Latency Fix Guide Dota 2 The Dota 2 Workshop has seen an amazing amount of high-quality submissions for this year’s Collector’s Cache. As is custom, we’d like to invite all Battle Pass owners to weigh in on the process and help make the final selection.

3 best VPN software to play Dota 2 and reduce ping | Cudilero

High Ping to Dota 2 US East Advanced Routing - TekSavvy

I have fine ping in other games (e.g CS:GO, Rust etc) But in Dota 2 my ping spikes from 200 to 400. This issue started about 2 months ago, before the issue I had constant 20 ms.

Sep 29, 2014 · Running Dota 2 at 1920x1080 full HD ( just shadows off ) I would like to stream at same resolution if its possible, but when i try that, ping is INSANE high and sometimes i feel like fps drop. Dunno what should be my bitrate for MOBA games and to have good quality ( with this 3mbit up if its possible ) :/ I have had this happen to me a lot of times. This also used to happen a lot in Dota 1. Spectre, Zeus and most massive moving animation skills will stutter and spike your game. Also since Dota 2 loads different characters with lots of different cosmetic items. Which also animate differently from each other so you also get a spike there.