gives you fast and easy access to Usenet, which provides over 200,000 newsgroups. As a leading global Usenet provider, has focused on the highest possible speed, security and level of service since its founding in 2009.

With a 256-bit SSL encryption during the login process and connection, your data is fully protected Varied With over 200,000 newsgroups, in which new articles are posted daily, Usenet is the world's largest network. Usenet has stood the test of time since 1980 because it is dependable, easy, and secure. Files accessed on Usenet are sent over a decentralized network available over SSL encryption. Usenet History - Text files. Usenet initially started as a communication system and it quickly evolved to a worldwide distributed discussion system. Prepaid-Usenet review including retention, features, news servers, speeds and pricing plans. Block, pre-paid Usenet accounts. The SSL server will allow European users to enjoy the same 256 bit encryption served out of our Amsterdam server farm. SSL encryption provides security and privacy while using Usenet and Newsgroups services provided by SSL protocol allows two programs to communicate with each other in a secure way.

256 Bit SSL Configuration Settings If you have a Super Secure account, you may need to take additional steps to enable SSL encryption in your news client. The specific method differs from client to client, but generally you will have enter the server configuration options, check a box enabling SSL, and change the port used to 443 or 563

Support articles for's members, including setup guides, FAQ's, search and account information. Usenet Port & SSL Settings When connecting to a Usenet server, you often have a choice of ports. Port 119 is the standard port, though your Usenet service provider (USP) can change this. Newshosting has consistently provided outstanding USENET access since 1999 and meets all of our criteria fordes a top recommendation. This provider owns and operates its own servers in multiple locations worldwide, provides the fastest speeds, and offers the best retention – an important feature for accessing older USENET posts. Newshosting’s SSL encryption is 256-Bit. 256-Bit is the encryption standard used by governments and militaries around the world to secure classified information. To use SSL connections you must connect to an SSL port. In the Newshosting Usenet Browser, navigate to Preferences>Connection.

Jun 27, 2020 · SSL (Secure Socket Layer) Posting. The free plan has the following features. 2mb speed 25Gb data 1,100 days retention 99%+ completion Five connections No SSL No Posting. Several factors place XS Usenet as a popular choice among Usenet users. *Usenet servers are strategically located worldwide, providing blazing fast connection speeds.

With a retention time of over 3,800 days, UseNeXT is one of the best Usenet providers worldwide. Usenet is a wonderful service for finding and downloading digital media, giving you speed and reliability you won't find with other file-sharing options—like, say, BitTorrent. Here's a quick There are a small number free Usenet servers available around the world. They tend to be slower and less reliable than paid services. Also, they typically do not provide SSL connections, and they have a short article/binary retention time (10 – 100 days). nusenet offers a nu way to access newsgroups through a usenet platform that excels in performance, providing high speed connections, completion and reliability. UsenetServer really focuses on the privacy of your identity, and while doing this, they offer 256-bit SSL connections and over 100,000 discussion groups, text and binary, for all customers free. While connecting, you will be able to enjoy the super fast speeds they run at. A whopping & earth shattering 3,000+ Days of retention! Sure others have higher, but hey, they are also more than twice the price of us and like our old high school girlfriends used to tell us, size does not matter. Jun 27, 2020 · SSL (Secure Socket Layer) Posting. The free plan has the following features. 2mb speed 25Gb data 1,100 days retention 99%+ completion Five connections No SSL No Posting. Several factors place XS Usenet as a popular choice among Usenet users. *Usenet servers are strategically located worldwide, providing blazing fast connection speeds.