How to Configure Gmail SMTP? - Cloudways

Jul 02, 2020 · Gmail SMTP Settings for Outgoing Mail While setting up your client to receive Gmail messages, provide settings to allow it to send messages. Messages are sent using Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) settings. Your email provider can give you these settings, but we've provided the settings for the most popular email providers below. Find your IMAP or POP server settings. If you're using a common email service, such as or Gmail, use this table to find your email provider's incoming (IMAP or POP) and outgoing (SMTP) server settings. SMTP: The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is the outgoing server. It sends messages from your email client to the host. SSL: SSL stands for Security Sockets Layer. It encrypts your information from would-be thieves as it is transmitted from one location to another, such as with email. POP3 Host: POP3 Port: 995 TLS Protocol: ON POP3 Username: (your Gmail username) POP3 Password: (your Gmail password) Important: make 100% sure that "POP3 download" in your Gmail settings is set to "Enable POP for mail that arrives from now on". If not, Gmail will send all existing (even read) messages to HESK when it first connects. Apr 18, 2019 · Place with IMAP, SMTP, POP3 server settings for GMail which will allow you to setup any email client to access your messages. GMail - IMAP, SMTP, POP3 Server Settings -

Gmail Mozilla Thunderbird SMTP, IMAP & POP3 Settings: Email Sending via SMTP >> SMTP Host: SMTP Port: 587 SSL Protocol: OFF TLS Protocol: ON SMTP Username: (your Gmail username) SMTP Password: (your Gmail password) Gmail Email Fetching through POP3 >>

Jul 02, 2020 · Gmail SMTP Settings for Outgoing Mail While setting up your client to receive Gmail messages, provide settings to allow it to send messages. Messages are sent using Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) settings.

Jun 27, 2020

Read Gmail messages on other email clients using POP If emails you sent in your mail client are stuck in your outbox, try these fixes: If you're sending email through Apple Mail and you currently have '' in the 'Outgoing Mail Server:' field of your settings, try changing the field to '' instead. Here Are the IMAP Settings You Need to Set up Gmail Jul 02, 2020